Expert Backend Development Services for Scalable Applications
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Backend Development




Services offered by API Development and Backend Team

  • Third-Party library installations using npm, yarn package manager.
  • Secure Node.js Applications with a Content Security Policy and Helmet.
  • Connectivity with databases like MySQL, MongoDB, Postgres, etc.
  • Recognize the API-based assets that the customer already owns.
  • Cache API Requests & data with Redis.
  • Run your code with zero server management, pay-as-you-go functions-as-a-service (FaaS) using Google Cloud Functions, Azure Functions, and AWS Lambda with Serverless.
  • RESTful & GraphQL API development.
  • API documentation using, Apiary.



  • Assuring API development and implementation is aligned with the company's long-term objectives.
  • Examining the new Application Program Interface and assisting managers and users in comprehending the technical architects.
  • Understanding customer needs and system requirements in order to gain maximum information for creating optimized architecture and development plan.
  • Recognize the API-based assets that the customer already owns.
  • Make an architecture and development roadmap based on the knowledge of what the customer already has.
  • Additionally, provide recommendations for any other API services based on the requirements.
  • Considering the services offered to the consumer, determine the number of resources needed.
  • Give an estimation of the time frame and the total number of sprints required to complete the services owed to the customer.
  • Achieve uniformity in the code.
  • Implement Content Security Policies.
  • MVC Architecture and Microservice approach.
  • Achieve faster response and lower latency by caching APIs with Redis.
  • Make code reusable, simpler, more readable, and easier to maintain.
  • Detect errors in code and rectify them in the development environment as-much-as-possible.

Achievements & Milestones/ Deployments

  • Achieved faster API response time (within microseconds).
  • Better error handling.
  • Content Security Policies to detect and mitigate certain types of attacks, including Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks.
  • Developed and deployed products using our APIs.
  • Effectively using Apiary and Postman for API documentation and testing.
  • Github Microservice- Figma Plugin V2
  • Created our own Microservice for sending Emailers and used it in our multiple in-house products.


Case Study

Creating REST API-based Email Microservice 


The success of any Business depends on streamlined email communication supported by a centralized database. Most businesses struggle with coordinating this across different platforms and departments, which can lead to communication gaps and a proliferation of linguistic styles. In the long run, this hurts the company's brand building and drives up costs.


With a centralized email service that can be used in numerous programmes and store data in one place, this issue can be mitigated. It helps businesses streamline communication, gain insights into customer behaviour, and make more informed decisions.

Two primary considerations guided our work in establishing a centralized email service.

  • To begin, we wanted a unified email service that could be accessed from many programmes and used to streamline the entire emailing procedure.
  • As a second need, we wanted a system that would store information in a consolidated database for later examination and study.

Using tools like MailChimp/Mandrill/SendGrid, implementing newly written code, and establishing a microservice were just a few of the possibilities we discussed at length with the team.

Utilizing MailChimp, Mandrill, or SendGrid directly could have helped, but these services have several restrictions. Modifying themes and managing several websites or items can be difficult. It can be implemented into the microservice design focused on email delivery (opened, number of times opened, bounced, etc.).

Coding and integrating from scratch for each new website or product: This strategy was producing problems. The team tested new email methods and code bases frequently. But, starting from scratch made the process long, tough, and frustrating.

A single microservice could serve as the backbone for a number of different websites and projects. In addition, we could use SendGrid, which will allow us to monitor the delivery status of every outgoing email, in this strategy. It can also give us the flexibility to set up a wide range of individualised templates that would be activated in response to a variety of conditions.

We finally decided to use a microservice architecture by writing APIs with Node.js, the Koa.js framework, and SendGrid for their integrated email service. We created a Node.js API microservice that ran on an EC2 microinstance. This microservice API used the Koa.JS framework and SendGrid for sending emails, allowing for custom email templates. The microservice was designed to accept data from form-based web pages and mobile applications via REST APIs, which were then collected in a central database for further analysis. The microservice was configured to send reverse emails to customers, web service administrators, and owners via REST APIs. This facilitated streamlined communication and the quick resolution of any issues that arose.

Success Factors

The microservice was deployed on the website, providing a unified email service across multiple applications. The microservice with Rest API development was designed to be scalable, meaning it could be used across multiple applications without the need for significant modifications.

Using this implementation, we were able to streamline the process of sending and receiving emails over REST APIs in a number of different programs. the aggregation of data through REST APIs into a single repository for the purpose of further analysis and insight generation. The approach is scaled to various services as f the microservice can be utilised in other applications through REST APIs without requiring major code changes.