Putting product at the core
Using core guiding principles of Product Led Growth
We helped transform the product’s UX in 4 key areas:
UX/UI Design
Platform Design
Rapid Prototyping
3 Major challenges faced by their customers
Information Architecture
Quick access to key jobs
UX/UI Design
Platform Design
Self-service Model
Focused on (Primary Persona) Job Performers
User Experience as Sales Rep
Conversational UX prevented errors increased customer satisfaction.
Try for free (as a lead magnet), upgrade to enhance
Buyers prefer to self-educate
Embedding Employee Cost Calculator (partial feature) in the Sales funnel journey helped primary persona decision maker to try before buying.
Quick time-to-value Primary audience understand the product’s value.
Helps in wider top-of-funnel.
Value goes up with usage
Fundamental goals and needs guided new features that led to increased stickiness, and improved adoption.