People, Devices and Locations
for business continuity

Continuous development in digital transformation performance of an organisation largely depends on the quality of its enterprise network.
Network Asset Compliance Center (NACC)
It provides real-time in-depth insight into the network of the organisation.
Successful Business Outcomes
End of Sale (EoS)
Assets are approaching to EOS by the end of year
End of Life (EoL)
Assets are approaching to EOL by the end of year
End of Service (EoS)
Assets are approaching to EOS by the end of year
4 Major challenges faced by their team

NACC provides real-time in-depth insight into the network of the organisation;
- What network equipment is being used?
- Where the equipment is located?
- What its software and security status is and whether, contractually, support is provided?
We took a UX-led approach to product creation
Avit’s IT and Business Teams were having a very hard time keeping track of all the software and hardware licenses and other assets.

User Stories
Here we come up with our expertise
We came up with an easily understandable visual dashboard. Which help uncover value by showing information related to products sold, services attached, improve attach rate and increase sales penetration.